Category Archives: July

wwcm 1, Primary Palette


I used shades of the three primaries to paint this. Actually I heard/read years ago of a painting /color theory teacher who used to rip out the green shades from his/her student’s palettes. I guess green paints are famous for being amateurish and ugly. I didn’t totally see that that was true but I didn’t want to be a bad artist. Pretty much since then, I don’t use green for my green, but rather and blend of blue and yellow. Red makes the green duller, shadows or a more sage like green.

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My References

At the community college where I went to school for art, the teachers were adamant that we ideally draw from life but could also reference our own photos. Free stock images were frowned upon. Those laws are inscribed in my creative conscience forever.

My ideal and most common way to draw things is directly from life from start to finish, warts and all. Sometimes I start something that would have wilted by the time I could finish. I take a picture and continue at leisure. Other times, the flower is to precious to pick or someone else’s property, or a rapid rodent and that is when I just take a picture and work from that.

I have not always labeled which is which but I plan to from now on. Maybe we can see a difference between the various methods once I’ve got a whole bunch to compare.


Bridal Blue

I had cornflowers in my wedding. Aren’t they do pretty? Easy to grow too!



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