Category Archives: drapery


I’ve been working on this on and off for months.

drapery010 (2)

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Secondhand Sewing Scrap

I found this in a bag of miscellaneous fabric from the best store ever.


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This was fun!


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Paper Towel

I arranged the same piece of paper towel six different ways and drew them one at a time with a ten minute timer. It turned out to be a really good way to get more drawing practice in. The only thing I’m going to change is that for now fifteen minutes might work better so that the studies are more finished.



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Strangely Subtle

img_2462img_2521Strangely subtle compared to my usual “you’re going to look right, stupid picture, even if I have to cut you with my pencil and erase the rest of you away” drawing style.

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The Drapery is Drawn Back on 2017


It has been hard to draw these past months. Some of the reason was that I did not make time or organize my space for it. The other reason was that I was spending time with my family and preparing both for the new baby and holidays. I do not regret how I spent my time too much. Hopefully I can come up with system to make more art in 2017 though.

The good news is that drapery is cool to draw!